The sigil of utmost protection inherent in Rhys' signature. With the stakes so high, only one advantage has been cast in their favor. The sides are squared in a war to control the future of both worlds. Faedrah does her best to gather their closest allies. Flying blind on a wing and a prayer, they prepare to fight for everything they love against a wizard of insurmountable power.

Frustrated and out of options, he agrees to her suggestion they to leap forward in time to the future.even though a good chance exists his powers will be nothing but a memory in his world. But when an old enemy reappears, detailing the result of his actions, Rhys is forced to make a choice between a future with Faedrah or dying before his time. One measly errand that shouldn't have been a problem, given the nature of his powers. Waiting for the next Outlander? Don't miss this enthralling fantasy romance! 'Incredibly tantalizing' – Love Reading Romance Rhys had one job to do. Taking us back to the realm of Caedmon and Rowena, AJ Nuest has created a breathtaking follow up to The Golden Key Chronicles.