Nazism has never been actually pagan: even though it used pagan symbols and ideas to make propaganda for its ideas, included the racist ones, Hitler hasīeen rather compared to Luther and Christ. We must anyway remember that, in spite of a poem by Hitler naming Odin, written in 1915, Most of all shows the cultural debt that Otto has with Nietzsche. If someone could, please tell us at This is Otto's work that Its translation from German to English, so I simply translated the original title of the book I also couldn't find any bibliography of English editions of The Italian scholar Cristaldi defined "a Nazi old little book" Otto's work Classical spirit and Christian world (I couldn't find any news about It's the same misunderstanding Nietzche underwent to, and

Least in the ideological meaning, if not in the meaning of being collaborative with the Reich. Probably, as it happens for other German scholars of the same period, most of the distrust towards Walter Otto is due to suspicion of being a Nazi, at We'll underline some of his better intuitions about paganism, considering also the cultural context in which they had origin. So instead of talking specifically about Otto's thought, that you can understand better by reading his books, here

Of course we can't consider Otto's works as a bible, as well as we can't do that with other scholars who nevertheless gave a great contribution to the Otto is especially known because of his work The Homeric gods, but his intuitions about ancient Hellenic paganism can be valuable also Walter Friedrich Otto is quite unknown by contemporary pagans, and sometimes he's avoided on purpose, but actually his works are really important, for many